When destiny meets choice
Hello there everyone!
Today the countdown stops dan selamat ya kamu-kamu yang nebak cepet banget bahwa 10 hari terakhir ini adalah countdown untuk hari ini :)
Let me take you back in time. Kamu ingat posting pertama saya di blog ini tanggal 27 September 2005? Di posting pertama saya itu, saya bilang bahwa, "... being a model, for me is a temporary thing. I ultimately want to be a mother. I want the simple things like having a family and kids... lots of them."
Terus saya berlanjut disitu, "In life, sometimes you have to make a choice. I do not believe it is possible for me to be an international model and be a good mother at the same time....I will take this modeling career as far as it can get me, before I say 'I do' to man I love. When that day comes.. I will be the most loving wife any man can have. By choice... modeling will ceased being a priority in my life."
Well guys, one year ago today -April 1st 2006- I have made my choice and I said "I do" to man that is now my husband. I have found him. The one I can love and hate at the same time. The one that can make me laugh and cry with the same breath. The one that is going to be the father of my children. Most of all, I have found the man that is my imam. In short, I have found my destiny.
His name is Andy.
I have come full circle. Ironis kalau dipikir. Saya pergi ke tempat jauh, untuk mencari existensi lewat suatu karir, tapi saya malah dapat semua setelah saya meninggalkan karir itu. Existensi yang saya cari itu ternyata ada disini dan bukan di karir, tapi di hidup. Proses. Proses hidup.
I have traveled the world and seeing it with a pair of hungry eyes. But I could not FEEL the world until I closed my eyes. I found the answer when I was actually not looking. Ini emang proses. Proses hidup saya.
Nah temen-temen blogger, semua proses ini saya curahkan dalam suatu karya tulis berjudul Tiara Lestari: Uncut Stories. Saya kerja bareng dengan penulis yang bernama Windy. She is not just nice, but also very good in transforming my blog, thoughts and my writing into a book with a different style.
Hari ini, bersamaan dengan aniversary perkawinan saya yang setahun, saya akan meluncurkan buku ini. Kamu-kamu yang tinggal di Jakarta, saya mau undang kamu untuk datang di Brake Cafe, Citos, jam 3 sore, hari ini (Minggu, 1 April 2007).
This world is full of surprises. Termasuk keputusan saya untuk menikah setahun yang lalu. Dalam proses menulis buku ini, Windy tanya ke Andy apa sih arti menikah. Andy answered, "Marriage is when destiny meets choice."
When destiny meets choice. I could not agree more.
Today the countdown stops dan selamat ya kamu-kamu yang nebak cepet banget bahwa 10 hari terakhir ini adalah countdown untuk hari ini :)
Let me take you back in time. Kamu ingat posting pertama saya di blog ini tanggal 27 September 2005? Di posting pertama saya itu, saya bilang bahwa, "... being a model, for me is a temporary thing. I ultimately want to be a mother. I want the simple things like having a family and kids... lots of them."
Terus saya berlanjut disitu, "In life, sometimes you have to make a choice. I do not believe it is possible for me to be an international model and be a good mother at the same time....I will take this modeling career as far as it can get me, before I say 'I do' to man I love. When that day comes.. I will be the most loving wife any man can have. By choice... modeling will ceased being a priority in my life."
Well guys, one year ago today -April 1st 2006- I have made my choice and I said "I do" to man that is now my husband. I have found him. The one I can love and hate at the same time. The one that can make me laugh and cry with the same breath. The one that is going to be the father of my children. Most of all, I have found the man that is my imam. In short, I have found my destiny.
His name is Andy.
I have come full circle. Ironis kalau dipikir. Saya pergi ke tempat jauh, untuk mencari existensi lewat suatu karir, tapi saya malah dapat semua setelah saya meninggalkan karir itu. Existensi yang saya cari itu ternyata ada disini dan bukan di karir, tapi di hidup. Proses. Proses hidup.
I have traveled the world and seeing it with a pair of hungry eyes. But I could not FEEL the world until I closed my eyes. I found the answer when I was actually not looking. Ini emang proses. Proses hidup saya.
Nah temen-temen blogger, semua proses ini saya curahkan dalam suatu karya tulis berjudul Tiara Lestari: Uncut Stories. Saya kerja bareng dengan penulis yang bernama Windy. She is not just nice, but also very good in transforming my blog, thoughts and my writing into a book with a different style.
Hari ini, bersamaan dengan aniversary perkawinan saya yang setahun, saya akan meluncurkan buku ini. Kamu-kamu yang tinggal di Jakarta, saya mau undang kamu untuk datang di Brake Cafe, Citos, jam 3 sore, hari ini (Minggu, 1 April 2007).
This world is full of surprises. Termasuk keputusan saya untuk menikah setahun yang lalu. Dalam proses menulis buku ini, Windy tanya ke Andy apa sih arti menikah. Andy answered, "Marriage is when destiny meets choice."
When destiny meets choice. I could not agree more.

At March 31, 2007 6:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Andy, what a lucky fellow.
I'm glad to see the photo too.
This photo is MUCH TOO SMALL though.
At April 01, 2007 5:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
congrats yaah..
At April 01, 2007 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
selamat.. selamat... ini aku lagi pegang bukunya.. :D buku ringan tapi berbobot.. selamat menanti Tiara dan Andy junior... :D
At April 01, 2007 10:06 AM,
Anthony Fajri said…
Wah.. selamat..
- atas kehadiran sang calon bayi
- atas ulang tahun pertama pernikahan
- atas peluncuran buku-nya
- atas pemikiran modern housewife-nya
dan ditunggu... tulisan tentang acara peluncuran bukunya
At April 01, 2007 11:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wah. selamat, selamat.. tetep ngeblog yah. Love to hear from you.
At April 01, 2007 12:22 PM,
Xty said…
Congratulations ! By the way, kok tanggal 1 April, aku takut kena boong nya hehehe
Selamat juga atas hadirnya calon baby :P
At April 01, 2007 6:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
I can't believe it! Married and about to have a baby. Congrats ya!!
Teman2, dua hal aku sangat kagum sama Tiara. Satu, dia memutuskan untuk kembali ke sini dengan semua konsekuansinya. Kita semua tau story itu lah. Itu aja sudah impressive.
Tapi yang kedua nih aku cukup kagum dan sedikit bingung. Kok bisa-bisanya nikah udah setahun, nggak ada yang tahu. Terutama infotainment2 kita itu loh.Bukannya mereka biasanya udah tau orang hamil sebelum orangnya sendiri tau hahaha.
Anyway, congrats for the new life, and -soon- the new baby Tiara. We are all so proud of you!
Artis Jakarta
At April 01, 2007 7:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
ikut bahagia atas semua yang Tiara dapat. Alhamdulillah. Semoga sukses dalam hidup, punya keluarga sakinah, mawaddah, warohman. Punya keturunan yang soleh/solehah dan menyejukkan di mata dan di hati. Amin
At April 02, 2007 12:27 AM,
Semut 007 said…
Wahh.. i'm late lah.
1 day after the day i open this blog again, after a long time no update.
I'm glad to read this,
Hope you have a happy fam.
At April 02, 2007 9:20 PM,
HASTu Wicaksono said…
lagi2 aku terlambat..
baru tau ada bloger bikin buku dari koran. Belum sempet beli bukunya, sori. Selamat
At April 02, 2007 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
wah telat nih!
tapi gak apa-apa dong... selamat ya!
At April 02, 2007 10:24 PM,
Diyan said…
wah congratulation yah bu :D kok baru sekarang yah bilangnya :P ehehe semoga jadi keluarga yang rukun, harmonis dan hangat sampai kakek nenek :D denger2 lagi isi juga ya jeng? bener yah? wah congrat lagi kalo gitu :D udah berapa bulan jeng? balapan ngelahirin yuk hahahha :P
At April 03, 2007 1:10 AM,
Dreamscapes said…
Congrats to you Tiara, I believe you will find more in your life with your husband and child, and I hope it's more to good and happiness things.
At April 03, 2007 4:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ngeblognya jangan cuma pas mau jualan aja yah, Mbak. Best wishes..
At April 03, 2007 8:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
selamat buat tiara..
aku telat ni baru baca blog kamu itu juga gara2 denger di radio
sekali lagi selamat buat buku, pernikahan and calon babynya...
dan aku pengen banget baca bukunya lho..oke keep a good work !!
At April 05, 2007 2:21 AM,
Anatomi Angin said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At April 05, 2007 2:23 AM,
Anatomi Angin said…
selamat, bu!
At April 12, 2007 4:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bryan said :
Tiara, terima kasih ya. Akhirnya bisa ketemuan di Metrotv. Suprise gak? :) :D
At April 12, 2007 6:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
i've already read your book...
At April 16, 2007 6:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
i've read ur book and i got 2 things to say :
for ur bravery , i salute u
for ur honesty , i respect u
u pull through. Despite all the ppl who said nasty things about u.
if being 'naked' has made u the person u r today, then more ppl should get 'naked' in public ^.-
i hope u have a very happy life!
At April 18, 2007 2:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Jualan lagi....
At April 18, 2007 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
ntar pengumuman lahirnya saya tunggu yah Mbak... barengan sama launching buku/lagu/foto atau dagangan lainnya. Semoga sukses!
At May 09, 2007 12:14 AM,
Anonymous said…
well, ketinggalan banyak
terakhir2 itu saya masih rajin buka blog ini tp waktu itu kok gak ada update melulu
Btw, kebetulan saya search ttg berita meritnya ini setelah baca milis ttg Dr Utami Roesli
Anyway, congrats for the marriage and the coming baby :D
At May 11, 2007 11:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
fdmungkin tuh cowo track record klakuannya juga ancur 'kale. makanya dpt bini juga yg sama rusaknya. tapi biar sama ancurnya kalo bs awet sepuluh taon aja udh bagus. kl mnurut gw seh paling gak lbh 5 taon juga pada bubaran. :-D
At May 28, 2007 12:21 PM,
Ira Lathief said…
Congrats for ur new life ! Hope u do have a wonderful one with ur destiny :)
At May 30, 2007 10:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
congrats mbak TIARA... i believe u'll b a great-amazing mother..wishing u nothing but the best deh pokoknya!!
my hi 2 ur hubby(lucu bgt yah mas andy) =)
ditunggu kejutan2 yg lain nya ya mbak..,kalo bisa bikin buku lg..aku udah baca buku nya sumpah semua kata2 yg ada di buku itu jd inspirasi buat aku!thanx
At July 28, 2007 8:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow - Andy married and a father - what a great thing. We are so happy for the two of you...Jim and Zauyah Waite
At October 01, 2007 9:02 PM,
JONITA said…
saya mengucapkan selamat atas kehadiran seorang bayi dalam hidupmu
At January 30, 2008 2:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Woccchhh...ada yang merit to... yaelah. Gue ramal ach.. ntar anaknya yg pertama laki2, berani taruhan dech...
At August 22, 2008 4:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Kapan nih tampil lagi di TV...
Vote at www.idolamu.blogspot.com
At January 06, 2009 1:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
when destiny meets andy...
At February 23, 2009 2:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
At February 23, 2009 2:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
At August 30, 2009 6:08 AM,
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At July 03, 2011 4:23 AM,
Tery Indrayana said…
Cerita yang bagus dan membuka hati....
Sukses selalu buat mu dan keluarga kecilmu!
At December 19, 2011 8:45 PM,
wahyu said…
just test
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