Tiara Lestari's Personal Journal

My words, my feeling, my memories, my experiences. Mostly, this is me.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

I'm back!

Hello there everyone!

Wow.. I miss this blog! Sudah hampir 3 tahun saya nggak nulis. 3 tahun! That’s a long time.

Well, time does fly when you do something you love.

Selama lebih dari 2 tahun saya benar benar fokus ke keluarga saya, terutama my baby girl who is not a baby anymore; Princess Rania. Gak kerasa loh, bulan Juli nanti umurnya 3 tahun.

Selama hampir 3 tahun inilah saya benar benar merasakan menjadi seorang ibu.

My Princess Rania has really made me a better person that I never thought I could. She is my saviour, my little angel. Sungguh pengalaman yang tidak ternilai harganya.

And I Enjoyed every single second of it. I did say I wanted to be a mother, and I am now. I couldn't be anymore happier and proud. (Rania when you are old enough to read this.. it is true; I am very very proud of you baby girl:).

Kamu kamu mungkin ingat saya pernah bilang, kalau saya akan kembali menjalani karir, saya akan mulai dari nol lagi.

And that's what I am doing. .

Today, I am back. I am back better. I am back with a new commitment; to be the best I can be. And the best -this time- is to be balance. To be a good mom, a good wife, and –if you allow me- to be back in your lives as an entertainer.

Dulu waktu di Singapura, karir adalah segalanya buat saya. Now my family is everything. Everything else is an additional blessing -including- whatever career I may or may not have in the future.

It starts today. Monday, February 8th 2010. TransTV, jam 6 sore.

See you all there ya

Tiara –I’m back- Lestari

PS: Saya mau ngucapin terima kasih ke kamu2 yang masih setia nulis email dan ngasih komen, walaupun saya nggak pernah bales. Thank you for being there for me all this time. Sorry banget yah saya nggak pernah bales :(


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