Tiara Lestari's Personal Journal

My words, my feeling, my memories, my experiences. Mostly, this is me.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Outfit casualties

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Back in my comfortable sofa at my home in Singapore, I was sitting this morning pondering my two weeks in Bali. It was a great time and I am so happy with my new all-Indonesian team. We worked well together, had great chemistry and –for the first time in a long time- I really miss being home. Indonesia, I mean.

Behind the scenes, lots of things happened during the week long photo shoot; funny things, creepy things, annoying things, etc…etc…

For the photo shoot, we were lucky enough to have great designers lend us their best dresses. Special thanks to Mas Arifan Mas, Rere Kribo and great bikinis from Nico Nico Intimo. But, as normal condition of borrowing anything, the designers expect the outfits come back to them in one piece. MJ, my fashion specialist was the man who let me know every second about these conditions. I call him Mr. Don’t. He always said to me, “Tiara, Don’t let the dress be dirty, don’t touch the ground, don’t this.. don’t that.. don’t don’t don’t”. It’s his job and honestly I lost count how many “don’t” he said during the whole week.

When the camera is on I tend to focus on being someone else to get the “feel” out. The last thing on my mind is not to ruin the dress. The photographer’s direction is the only thing I focused on, aside from my own wondering mind. So outfit casualties started to happened.. a lot. One time, I let the long gown fell into the muddy ground. MJ was upset.. he gave me that “look”. I tried to remember during most of the session, but it was difficult to remember and It happened more than once. Sorry MJ. I promised him I’d do better next time.

The next photo session was bikinis and I promise myself I was going to be more aware with “guarding” the outfit. Sure enough, we were on this beautiful beach that had been covered with rain moments earlier. The sands were wet everywhere! Why make it easy for me! Hahaha.

The photographer started to direct me from standing pose to crawling pose on the ground. Gosh, it was kind of hard to crawl over the sands and focusing on my bikinis not touch by the sand! I was so focused on making sure that my bikini was not touching the sand, but the photographer kept directing me to pose lower, lower and lower without touching the ground. Man what is this?! Yoga?!

This time I gave MJ the “look” in between the photographer’s directing me to be completely down on the ground. He closes his eyes and turned away… I took that as a sign and began laying down on the ground focusing only to the camera. Click! Click! Click!

I lost the war with heavy outfit casualties..


PS: To Mas Arifan, Rere and Nico.. thank you for supporting me and I hope the outfits are back into your hands nice and clean :)


  • At January 21, 2006 3:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you look sweaty and greasy...yuck !

  • At January 21, 2006 3:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    GUYS...forget Tiara..check out KEELY HAZELL video here..now that's a hot babe with big boobs !!

  • At January 21, 2006 4:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am still the hottest and the sexiest Indonesian porn star and I love showing my pussy and sucking cock...American guys love me ! Tiara when are you going to porn..soon right ?

  • At January 22, 2006 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    going to porn? really?

    emang bajunya gak boleh d cuci mbak?

  • At January 22, 2006 11:49 PM, Blogger Mockingbird said…

    Ha, ha, ha...! :D How to pose lying down on the sand without the bikini touching the sand? Impossible right? ;p

  • At January 23, 2006 5:13 PM, Blogger Anatomi Angin said…

    you look pretty in green.

  • At January 23, 2006 11:16 PM, Blogger Tari said…

    ternyata jadi model susah juga ya :P harus pose sebagus²nya sambil menjaga baju yg dipakai tdk terkena pasir misalnya ^-^
    terus maju ya kk Tiara

  • At January 24, 2006 2:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    more..more.. and more explosure!

  • At January 24, 2006 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Call me a sarcastic bastard. But you looks like a girl with a thousand plastic veil. Being a successful model is a great thing, but being an ordinary human is a whole different thing. When was the last time you give a sincere smile to a stranger?

  • At January 24, 2006 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

  • At January 24, 2006 8:50 PM, Blogger Indo Dreamin' said…

    so where do we look forward to see you next? anything for the Indo Playboy? Tv programs?

  • At January 24, 2006 11:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Interesting to know u re in Singapura.....Interesting u speak of matters of the heart synch with many women of the world espcially in Asia/Spore But interesting it may be but sometime human are just human and the almightiness in them is envitable.When everything else fails my dear Libran,lower your standards and there u could possibly feel enlightened the power of mid-level.All the best!

  • At January 31, 2006 7:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kamu tuh ngga cantik tapi kok pede abis ya????

  • At January 31, 2006 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What make you think you're pretty??? Your body maybe ok but you're not good looking!!! What your family think about you posed nude??? Happy??? Thats amazed me!!!

  • At February 19, 2006 5:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    saya heran saja. adakah juga engkau suatu saat menginginkan suami yg menyukai eksibionisme-mu. saya tak perlu membawa nama agama, tp kenapa kamu menyebutkan bahwa kamu asli negara mayoritas agama tertentu. buat renunganmu

  • At March 23, 2006 7:31 PM, Blogger rhoma_setan_mesum said…

    Anda tentu tau saya, kan..? Ya, saya si pembela moral no. 1 di jagat ini... Artinya, anda tentu tahu apa yang saya akan katakan disini, kan..? Ya, saya akan memfatwakan anda sebagai simbol PORNO ... Jika anda ingin bertobat.., silakan anda belajar mengaji dengan saya sampai jam 4 pagi.. Tapi tentu dengan syarat.., harus di kamar hote dan tentu saja hanya berdua!!
    Bagaimana..., maukah anda bertobat kepada saya?

  • At March 26, 2006 3:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Eh...mbak Tiara...bagus juga fotonya...tapi ingat...hidup itu pendek...jangan selalu buka-bukaan aurat mbak tiara...sungguh sangat disayangkan jika mbak tiara tidak sadar bahwa dosanya akan mengalir terus sampai kiamat...belum ada kata terlambat sebelum masuk liang kubur...perbaiki diri...:)

  • At March 30, 2006 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Bahasa Inggrisnya boleh juga
    Siapa yg nulis nih ?

  • At April 02, 2006 11:33 AM, Blogger A Luluk Widyawan said…

    tiara, salut buat kamu. keindahan jangan dikalahkan dengan ketidakrasional-an. apa yang indah, apa yang segar, apa yang catching, apa yang passion...keep it beauty in you. live hapily, tiara....!!!

  • At April 02, 2006 6:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    heya there..

    dont listen to them haters!
    u'll do fine ^_^

  • At April 03, 2006 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tiara..sampean kan wong solo kulo wong semarang, podo seko jateng weleh weleh...ayu tuenan sampean iku......kapan mulih ning solo mbak yu...

  • At April 07, 2006 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    woyy, buat yang udah ngejelek2in Tiara, sini deh ribut aja ama gw. Biar gw hajar lo ampe sekarat, beraninya nulis2 di blog doang lo!!

    Gw tunguin deh, elo maunya ribut dimana??? Tentuin tempatnya deh!

    Bwt Tiara, jgn diambil hati ya!! Youre so sweet honey.

  • At April 15, 2006 6:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've seen enough of your face and your body. never regrets for the things you had done. but after seeing your pic, why wig? what happen to your real hair? are you afraid of something? well, don't be. you are a nice girl with a big heart.
    just keep rock'in girl.

  • At December 25, 2006 7:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, apakah anda yakin masuk surga? Kalau iya terus TUUHAN tanya, apa alasanmu supaya diijinkan masuk sorga?

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