Tiara Lestari's Personal Journal

My words, my feeling, my memories, my experiences. Mostly, this is me.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Slut, stud and MR. Publisher

This morning in my hometown of Solo, I got an interesting phone call from my good friend in Jakarta. He met a friend who is a well known publisher of some magazines in Jakarta. Lets call him Mr. R.

I don't know how their conversation started, but it ended with Mr. R proud and boastful claimed that he had slept with me. "Twice!" Mr R. said to him.

I don't understand why it is so important for some of you men to declare who you have slept with? Is that part of your existence being a man? Being a big man? Isn't it enough for you to have your sexual fling with someone and enjoyed them without having to declare them to the world? It's certainly doesn't make your pen**s bigger does it Mr. R? Puzzling.

And there is this whole classic, yet proven double standard issue that bothers me. Let us supposed that I was the one who claim to my friend that I had slept with MR. R. I am sure not a single person would think of me as a "bigger-better woman". Would you? Matter of fact, it would be just the opposite. People would look down on me. Puzzling. Irritating.

Why is it when a man do it a lot (and "talk" it a lot), he is called a "stud", but when a woman do it a lot, she is called a "slut"?? Puzzling. Infuriating.

Do you know what's worst? I have never met Mr. R! Not once.

Mr. R, if you're reading this: I don't care who you are, I don't care how much money you have. If you have to claim that you've slept with me and never actually met me, you are not even in the same class I am. You are not even worth the piercing look I will give you if I ever see you. Look and enjoy my pictures in this blog or get more of them from the internet. That is as far as you will get with me. Better yet, write about your boastful claim in your magazine. You are a publisher right?? If you are going to make something up, why not write about it too. Keep dreaming.

For other men with money in their pocket. A little newsflash: Not all models are for "sale". I am not blind to what is going on in Jakarta. I know there are those "for sale" types crawling around pages of magazines in Jakarta. We are NOT ALL like that. I am not for sale. Don't even think of it.

I have appeared in an internationally known -and respected- magazines. Not your type of magazine Mr. R. Do not think for a second I am going to some hotel room with you anytime soon. I am a professional model. That is what I do. Enjoy the art. And if you think I am "easy", you are sadly mistaken. Annoyingly sad.



  • At November 07, 2005 9:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Thank god you finally made it clear at the end that you have never met the creep, I was worried there for a second.

    Some men, regardless of their success, are pathological liars and egomaniacs, it appears that this Mr R. has been touched at least two times by the idiot stick.

    I'm sure if you pressed him on the issue, he'd be forced to try and save face and claim that it was not in fact you he bedded, but the Tiara Lestari imposter over on friendster.

    As for the double standard you speak of, the only way to get out from under the thumb of a patriarchal society that rewards the studs held high on a pedastal for their conquests and casts down the harlot sluts that so easily give it up, is to convince more women to get out there, shed the shame and guilt associated with expressing their sexuality and safely explore the boundaries of what's considered within taste.

    Men will never change, we'll always be testosterone induced war waging horndogs... Women need to become more fearless and guilt ridden about their sexuality and must learn to become more emotionally detached to the act. They have the room to step up to the same level as the men in the battle of the sexes. Not in the sense that every man will be considered a conquest, but in putting themselves in a position where expression of sexuality and desire is at par with men. So rise up ladies! God knows men certainly wont step down to your level without putting up one hell of a fight. When the dust settles and everyone is on the level, only then, will the name calling cease.

  • At November 07, 2005 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Correction, "...women need to become more fearless and LESS guilt ridden..."

    **smacking forehead** Always proofread! Always proofread!

  • At November 07, 2005 10:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    After further study on the subject, I found this link:


    It's an interesting article that actually supports the double standard as a condition that's an integral part of human survival and well worth reading.


  • At November 07, 2005 9:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr R is one sorry bloke.

    Btw Tiara, my grandpa's family is from Laweyan. You from around there?

  • At November 07, 2005 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i like to sleep u too. you look like nice piece of meat. i eat you soon yes.

  • At November 07, 2005 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To further elaborate on trent's posts, I present you this.

  • At November 08, 2005 12:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This is like an episode from "Sex and the city"!! :)

  • At November 08, 2005 5:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    No need to worry my friend,let the dog bark and no need to stay,
    So many looser guys out there, but one should be right is that your achievement is hardly to compare...

  • At November 08, 2005 8:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, don't be such hypocrite! a job being a model? everyone knows it a ruthless profession, with all competition. If you such a high dignity model, why can you be like one of those international models who are acknowledged by the world without having to appear naked? I think a truly model can do a lot better than that.

    Sorry to say, though you claim yourself to be a professional model, you're just another playmate who's later will have to make buck in porn videos. Well, at least you got to be a star whatever it takes ;)

  • At November 08, 2005 8:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Why is it that people post obnoxious comments anonymously ? Are they like the Mr R in the story - obsessed with their own sense of self worth that they feel free to ridicule from behind that cloak of shame.

    Please post your comments in a literate fashion and make your point coherently. There have been some intelligent comments on a subject obviously sensitive but you resist the temptation to join in the debate by throwing words away like a child with a dictionary for the first time.

    So your international role models are Kate Moss and Naomi Campbell - drug fuelled harpies who exist in a world more competitive and more hypocritical. Let it not be forgotten some of the wasted talents of that age picked up at 12-14 - illegal in the other less well covered profession - and then used and abused until they are thrown away.

    Yes there are double standards and anonymous you are simply one of the followers of that path.

    Hide if you will and lose the point in the process as how can on respect one who hides and takes cheap shots. Make your point and make it in a correct manner or not at all

  • At November 08, 2005 9:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    u a whore. i love hump u. i give u 2 dollar and u kiss me yes. i squirt on you now. i have much squirts.

  • At November 08, 2005 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh u such a dirty dark girl. u make me touch myself yes. u so dark like a filipino. so dirty yes. i wet my underpants now. oh i want u now yes

  • At November 08, 2005 11:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wow, shut out the light around you, and the creepies come out. I'm so glad that I'm not a 'celebrity'.


  • At November 08, 2005 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'll be singing live at the Lido Palace, @ harco mangga dua tomorrow at 9:00 PM if you want to sink your talons into me. God bless...


  • At November 08, 2005 7:05 PM, Blogger Ronsen said…

    Slut, stud, whatever, sex is great...

  • At November 08, 2005 7:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I believe that we should reflect on criticism more than we reflect on praise. If you think you can do the job better, then stand up and lead. If you can't get a better international job because you dangerously misleading them into believing that you're only as good as when you exposing your flesh, then you don't deserve to be call an international model. If you have to campaign like a politcian - using negative stereotypes and fear tactics in behind the scenes meetings - then you aren't the international model with a class as you claimed.

    ps : Why provide the audience details of your body only? That’s like saying to any psychopath, “Stalk me please”.

  • At November 08, 2005 7:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Makes me wonder why...
    But hey we living in this fraternity world.I know it's not wise to judge people by what they job...or look....or....talk...but that's just the way it is.
    Just ignore that R person.
    And about all the question of sex and man...sorry but i can't figure out the answer too ^_^.

    -= Personal Issue =-

    This is a good blog.I'm sorry i know you from internet pictures and yes i admit that i have missjudge you.I never thought that a model could write an interesting blog.Keep it up !!
    Salam Kenal.

  • At November 08, 2005 7:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes put more picture of you. i like very much. you are model and sexy yes. no more talk and more picture of you sexy dark and dirty body. i have many juices for you and i will soak your picture tonite on my laptop. more picture of sexy girl you and less talk.

  • At November 08, 2005 9:09 PM, Blogger Soulful said…

    Hi Tiara,

    just wanna say it's prideful to read your claim here. Some men only live to use their pe**ses and not their brains nor hearts.

    Bad comments and claims are the risks of your professional career, right? So don't let those tumble you down.

    Selamat Lebaran. Hope you're enjoying the break in Indonesia. Btw, my mom is from Klaten, does that make us neighbors? :)

    Salam kenal --- aku link ya blogs nya. Cheers!

  • At November 08, 2005 10:32 PM, Blogger TiaraLestari said…

    Mr. Anonymous and Mr.Tiaraisdumb,

    I do not mind bad comments, even those that put me down. I do not mind criticism, for it is a consequence of what I do. This is a place where battle of ideas is nourished to a borderless “quality” as defined by Pirsig in his book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Say what you want. It is okay. I will read them.

    I tell you what irritates me though. Mindless, tasteless, and borderline-15-year-old-childish comments you put on my blog. I promised myself never to delete any comments, but what do you get out of writing such trash?

    You’re not even man enough to put your name on your own comments. Are you afraid your mom will find out that you are here looking at my blog?? How old are you anyway mommy's boy? And oh my God….where did you learn how to write in English? Is it cheap XXX movies? Grow up. Find yourself a woman, marry her, learn how to make love the right way and please.. shut up before that!

    This is a place where ideas is nourished and whether you like me or not, I will challenge you intellectually. Live with that. I am who I am. I am a model who is intelligent. A dichotomy that sure exist in more place than one.

    Keep the comments up. I am here. Challenged.


    PS: To Trent, Divi, Devil (welcome back:),Chalky, Ronsen, Nylana, Sontoloyo, Soulful girl (yes we are neighbor) : Thank you for "living" your comments. I am here being appreciative of what was written by you all. Yes, you all.

  • At November 09, 2005 1:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara says,
    Quote : ... This is a place where ideas is nourished and whether you like me or not, I will challenge you intellectually. Live with that. I am who I am. I am a model who is intelligent. A dichotomy that sure exist in more place than one.Unquote

    I think you cannot silence the critics by keep telling the readers how smart and intelligent you are. And since this isn't the Oprah thread so I won't get deep into this but to me, Oprah is the paradigm for what intelligence, motivation, and a passion to make a better life for yourself and perhaps others will do for you. She came from NOTHING. She didn't inherit dad's money like Paris Hilton, she didn't have a social circle of boarding school billionaire babies, and she didn't have tremendous good body (i.e. Naomi Campbell) to coast by on. If I can be even a millimeter as successful as Oprah has been, I'd die a VERY happy person. Oprah's lame but her power is undeniable. She rules us all! And I'm not even an Oprah fan! But I will give credit where credit is due.

    Naomi is remarkable in that she has had a long prestigious modeling career. She walked for all the top designers and posed for all the great photographers. And she's outlasted a lot of her former peers even though she has no interpersonal skills and is famous for her unprofessional (and sometimes violent) behavior. But not all of Naomi's non-modeling projects really worked out -- the novel, the perfume, the CD etc.. She is fortunate she really didn't need to be successful in other venues since she still is in high demand as a model. But what happen when Naomi's looks go? I think it's going to be pretty rough for her.

    Tiara, you're beautiful, but still looks normal. And I don't think you're a supermodel yet. Show us that you have tremendous potential to take the highest fashion runways of Paris and Milan.

  • At November 09, 2005 2:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, who do you think you're kidding? You're a model. Those of us in the industry are well aware of how you get most of your work. There's no such thing as a free lunch, is there?

  • At November 09, 2005 3:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Mr R,

    She's more than capable of defending herself, but I thought I'd toss one back at you regarding your comment...

    So what?

    She can choose to pork every publisher that she comes across to get her mug in a magazine if that's what she wants to do.

    She'd be teetering on the raggedy edge of hypocrisy if what you're implying is true, but it doesn't change the fact that she's:

    A) Still intriguing
    B) Still intelligent,
    C) Still attractive,
    D) Still not having sex with you.

    I know it may be a difficult concept for you to swallow, but not everyone has to give head to get ahead.


  • At November 09, 2005 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, your blog is OBVIOUSLY wrote NOT by you. C'mon tiara, leaving in Singapore for couple months WON'T make your English better than a child of native speaker.

    Don't talk about intelligence when you could not even make a decent job than exposing your body? There are plenty of girls look like you in Jakarta's bar and cafes. They're all called "chickens" or better in Bahasa "ayam" ;-)

    d'accord with NYLANA!

  • At November 09, 2005 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, can we see your real face without those make up? Do you have photos other than those professional shots?

    I'm sure my maid will look like you when I dress her and put some make up on.

  • At November 09, 2005 4:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Anonymous said...
    Tiara, your blog is OBVIOUSLY wrote NOT by you. C'mon tiara, leaving in Singapore for couple months WON'T make your English better than a child of native speaker.

    Dear Anonymous

    Obviously judging from the above your claim to be able to write in English is also suspect.

    We know nothing of her educational background - as she has not chosen to share this with us - therefore your cheap comments are puerile to say the least.

    Here is a question for you though - why hide behind an anonymous persona and then hurl insults at someone on their blog.

    There is a place for criticism and comment - if it is intelligent and coherent. Your comments are neither - perhaps you would learn more from the "ayam" - or is that an "ayam" chose to favour a bule rather than yourself as a result of your inability to converse. If you are more comfortable in Bahasa then why not allow your expressions more life in your native language - or is it that literacy is not your strong point in any language.

    There have been some interesting points made in the anonymous comments but they are spoilt by reducing everything to a sexual nature rather than addressing the issues of hypocrisy and the twilight world that can be international modelling.

  • At November 09, 2005 5:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    who cares about who fucked who, Tiara was just trying to prove to you all her fans that she still got some "class" as being a "profesional model" and that she does not "fuck around" , but who knows? and who cares?, and to those of you who tried to make impressions on her by making intelligent comments, it's just a waste of time, you never even met her, you got no business agreeing or disagreeing with her. the whole issue with sluts or studs is just part of lifestyle, some women enjoy being sluts, (or acting sluts), and we , men tend to love them acting sluty - it turns our dick on. Unfortunately in this case Tiara has been posing like a slut,(she said "as long as i look arty" - the word is "artsy" -dear), well . playboy and penthouse, especially are not art magazines, unfortunately they are targetted for MEN ONLY , and we masturbate while looking at these pictures, so , saying artsy is a bullshit, Tiara YOU ARE the SLUT, otherwise you would not dare posing nude, especially that you are a MUSLIM woman (a hypocrite MUSLIM woman, i might add), you just wanted to create sensation by posing nude and sluty - in this blog to upgrade your career, NOTHING wrong with that, but the reality is you are not beautiful enough to be as famous as you are now, if you never posed nude.Don't get me wrong... I masturbate while looking at your photos too, it's not because the photos are "sexy" or "artsy" , it's just that you are posing like a slut, but that's what makes you great - when you are naked - not when you are fully clothed, since your face is not that great - and your skin is turning darker and darker. so regardless whether you fuck around or not, we do not care, it's just your own business.It's better if you concentrate to improve your image as being a professional model, rather than a javanese muslim girl from SOLO , who got her fame after posing nude...GOOD LUCK !

  • At November 09, 2005 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Y'know. Despite some interesting and direct hit calling-a-spade-a-spade comments, I hope we can restrain ourselves from being too emotional. I'd like to say "Don't be hatin'" cause when we do, judgments will be clouded.

    In the end, claims and gossips only confirms one's popularity and who gives a flying f**k about the guy or whether he's saying the truth? So Tiara, if you're a celebrity, get used to gossips and fake claims I say.

    For those of us who does not approve of Tiara's actions, principles, comments and views including this funky publicity, well, nobody's forcing us to come here.

    Why all the fuss and getting all emotional guys?
    Haters and fans, do you know for sure if this really is 'the'Tiara you're talking with?
    I may believe so but then again I also believe strongly in UFOs, alien abduction and the Illuminati conspiracy.

    As for me, I think I'll stick around cause heck, I actually think this is cool...

  • At November 09, 2005 8:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Chalky26, have you had her laid and opened her legs for you?

    Admit yourself, that you did think nasty or masturbate while looking at her pix just like mr.loveholes said.

    Say whatever pros for her so called profession. I didn't even see any post from anyone out of Singapore and Indonesia. Is she that 'international'?

  • At November 09, 2005 8:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Loveholes,

    You sound like the sort of sexed-up juvenile that would stick his man-junk square up his own ass and prance around humping himself all day long if it was only long enough to reach.

    While it's true that Playboy and Penthouse are certainly far from being the last great bastion in defense of art, there are indeed some men out there evolved enough to subjectively appreciate the beauty of the human form within the publication's pages without having to dash home on a 10-speed bike to rub one out in the bathroom.

    Then you choose to add insult to injury having the nerve to call her out on the color of her skin? Wow, indeed... Bigot much?

    Perhaps you may want to make things easier on yourself next time and pull your head out of your ass before trying to stick your package up there.

    Oh and by the way, Mr. English, 'Arty', is correct.

    'Artsy' is the informal slang version of the word, used by people that don't know any better.


    PS: Raya...

    I couldn't agree with you more, I'm enjoying the good, the bad and the ugly over here. It's definitely entertaining, but I think it's only a matter of time before she's forced to shut it all down as her popular fan base increases alongside the number of her detractors.

  • At November 09, 2005 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes trent, her fans will just increase. You meant those wankers just like you and me, rite? ;)

    Gosh, I just love to imagine licking her dark pussy!

  • At November 09, 2005 10:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i agree with "holes"; you are a dark dirty little "semi-model" who i like to touch myself to; but that's about it. so less talk and more dirty pics so i can touch myself better with okay.

  • At November 09, 2005 11:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yes, she's certainly a good looking gal, but as I've stated before in a couple of other comments here on the blog, pretty girls are a dime a dozen. They're everywhere.

    Anyone with an internet connection can literally find a million other websites, each one with hundreds or thousands of girls that look as good as or better than Tiara.

    The big difference, and the entire reason I visit here in the first place, is that we've been granted the esteemed privilege of not only getting a stark view of what's under her skirt, but also what's going on in her mind. That alone places her solidly above legions of other nude models out there. The fact that there's obvious intelligence, certain dignity and apparent class within that pretty little skull of hers pushes her even further up the ranks.

    It's rare and extremely intriguing to run into someone with her combination of looks, her profession, her background, etc. who is not ashamed to so completely expose themselves in such a transparent manner and she deserves to be treated with respect for it.

    If you're capable of getting past her pictures without rubbing yourself against something, you'll find that what she has to say is quite humanizing, and it makes it impossible, at least for me, to view her as just another sexual object.

    My only complaint is that she should refrain from encouraging some of you losers from getting all riled up by posting a picture of herself on every single post she makes.

  • At November 09, 2005 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Aaah the Internet. The smell of trolls and the trails of flames. Some folks here are obviously still riddled with the pimple plague. Heh. Oh well.

    @ loveholes
    "...a hypocrite MUSLIM woman, i might add"

    Are you blond or what? Like you said yourself, "it's just your own business". Damn right, it's her own fuckin business.

    @ anonymous #7
    "...or better in Bahasa 'ayam'".

    Bahasa means language not indonesian, noob.

    @ wankerattiarapix
    "I didn't even see any post from anyone out of Singapore and Indonesia"

    I'm Indonesian, m'kay?

  • At November 09, 2005 3:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with Loveholes, he is so right...Tiara is a hypocrite Muslim woman...reality bites.you an call her "modern" or "intelligent" , "open minded" whatever, she still has to pray 5 tiumes a day, and when she does (or does she ?) she must not think about being a muslim..if she has to pose naked the next minute at photo sessions(chuckle).unfortunately..she is more passionate about taking her clothes off rather than making a good muslim image,true she is not a hajjah, but unfortunately she is from Indonesia, a country known as the most populated muslims in the world, also if one is not being a hypocrite.. why did she have to describe in her blog about celebrating ramadhan, and next thing talked about her gossip sleeping with some men. as a muslim , i am ashamed, you can call me hypocrite too by visiting this site, but I just wanted to give an opinion and luckly I am not in her position being an "instant celebrity".

  • At November 09, 2005 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i agree to donkey and "holes." tiara she not smart. just with nice body and so-so face. her butt no good neither. i say this is america yes. so we all opinions and it is good. tiara not good for muslim. only good for 2 minutes and then i'm done with her until next day.

  • At November 09, 2005 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    trent_bollock_cock said: "...The fact that there's obvious intelligence, certain dignity and apparent class within that pretty little skull of hers pushes her even further up the ranks..."

    Geezz, you're obviously NOT an intelligence one, trent! Even an idiot can easily tell there's a MAN behind her blog. She's NOT the one who wrote her postings! We should question this person lurking behind her personal. Why not having his own blog?

    If you speaking of Jade & Nyomi Marcela (type these into google and search in images, lots of pics of this Indonesian blood porn stars)they're born an grew up in Hawai, they speak English. Go figure!

  • At November 09, 2005 7:00 PM, Blogger agamoto said…

    Dear Mr. Playboy Darkdonkey Loveholewanker,

    Congratulations... Your little multi-identity posting war of attrition has finally taken it's toll. The horndogs win! I surrender my sword and throw myself at your mercy.

    Blogger.com needs to replace the word verification security system with a randomly generated question that children, pimple-faced adolescents and adults living in their parent's basements would never be able to answer.

  • At November 09, 2005 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    stop war. okay mr. donkey, he's crazy and in love with tiara dark filmy aroma. so i says no more fight and have more sexy pics so we can make love with ourself.

  • At November 09, 2005 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    stop war. okay mr. donkey (you an okay man),and mr. trent (you a horny man- and crazy in love with tiara dark filmy aroma.) so i says no more fight and have more sexy pics so we can make love with ourself.

  • At November 09, 2005 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I’d just like to give input through this comment. I found out your blog interesting and insightful as well. You share your thoughts in a captivating way through this blog as a media either to convey your piece of mind or for the purpose of “brand recognition and positioning” (I mean, as a model you do need that awareness and to position yourself in the market).

    I can see why there is such contradiction in this topic. People might agree with your opinion of ‘double standards’ but then will raise their eyebrows while reading your emotional lines condemning Mr. R.
    The reader will notice your picture first before they read the content of your writing, since they are pretty eye-catchy.
    Some of your pictures are classy for people who are open-minded and familiar with modeling, arts, photography. But then the combination of some of the pictures and the content of your thoughts are just completely contradictory, for instance, in this Mr. R’s case, you expressed your disappointment of the misconception image of a model, but the photo that you attached has sort of represented the opposite image that you were trying to convince. Indeed, it’s a nice picture when we see it in a catalogue, tear sheet, or other print ads. But when you combine that picture and your writing, I really could see why people will raise their eyebrows as a way to (perhaps) disapprove your opinion although i truly disagreed with rude ill-hatred and inappropriate comments in this topic....they are just sad.

  • At November 09, 2005 11:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If Tiara is as intelligent as her blog leads us to believe then surely she'd have worked out by now how to turn off the ability for people to post comments anonymously?

    Funny also, that some of those most vocal about anonymous comments also failed to sign in using a legit Blogger identity themselves.

  • At November 09, 2005 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Mr.Trent_Bollock_Cock,
    You've spent TOO MUCH time wanking in this tiara's blog. Admit it, admit it!

    Melly, you're SO DAMN RIGHT!

    Get to dash, trent. Imagining you and me having a treesome with tiara. Yummy

  • At November 09, 2005 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i applause to you for having great blog site and body. more body, less face, less talk and everybody much happy.

  • At November 10, 2005 12:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    I think,of all the debate over Tiara ( real or fake )morale and thought..I think one thing is for sure, just like other human being,man or woman,Tiara is a complex person.Yes,she is a professional model who have pose "her flesh" in one or two magazines,so what,does that mean she can't be intelligent?smart?have an attractive personality?no..that is what being "human" so wonderful,we can decide and think and evolve!..as for Mr.R,well,some guys just love to brag,his car or his money or success or even girl,and most of them are NOT TRUE!!Even I,myself,have perform that ungentle conduct...not proud of,but admit it!But,that what makes the difference between a boy from a man,when they grew up and become a man ( mentally ),sharing private matters just doesn't seem to be the right attitude anymore..

  • At November 10, 2005 1:43 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    "Dark Filmy Aroma"?

    At the risk of encouraging you to post anything further here... What in hell is that supposed to mean?

    You may want to review your use of adjectives for next time, or give http://www.toggletext.com a try before you take a stab at writing in English, assuming of course your native tongue is Bahasa Indonesia.

    Sharpen your skills in Basic English and maybe you won't look like such an ass when you leave your caustic little messages.

    Wait a second, what am I saying? Of course you would!

    This blog has quickly taken over a life of it's own. I don't know how much longer she'll be able to control this sort of nonsense. I've seen other celebrity blogs close rather quickly because of it. I guess the best thing to do is to ignore it instead of encouraging it with retortive comments.

  • At November 10, 2005 3:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There we go...

    Let's just all lighten up and be less serious. Like I said before, I think this place is cool and the idea is just plain fun for us guys, but keep this up and soon we can only say "there was this blog by that hot Indonesian model...".

  • At November 10, 2005 5:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I believe that everyone will not tolerate everything. That's what makes us human. But rude behaviour, vulgar language, personal attacks, and too many "I'm better than you guys" can be unpleasant, and should be not be tolerated. That is as bad as some I have seen here in these forums! As an Indonesian woman I feel sick to read the mindless and tasteless comments when you guys have no more ammunitions left to fire with each other. If I were Tiara, I will tell what I really think and do not need someone to defend my dignity and my property.
    I am not directing at Trent, but you take every criticism about Tiara personally. And who cares if you can speak and write English better than the locals here? I bet you cannot speak Indonesian better than I do because I am a pure blooded Indonesian and proud to be one! If I'm wrong, sue me.

    I agreed that there was a double standard, but it should never be acceptable for anyone to degrade anyone for there race or make fun of them because of it.

  • At November 10, 2005 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Thank you for putting the discussion back on course. The whys and wherefores of a person's behaviour in reading and commenting on this blog should transcend the pointless and childish attacks read on this one.

    It is amusing to read and at the same time sad. The world is full of double standards and it is for us to accept or reject them. What differentiates us from the animals is the ability to have a reason behind our arguments.

    We have all lost the thread - what we do when viewing the pictures is of course another issue !!

    Enjoy the weekend and go figure whether or not the dna test on our friend Azahari is real or not. That should exercise the mind a little bit more and perhaps we can now move on - the detractors and fans have had their day perhaps the last word should be with the owner.

  • At November 10, 2005 7:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oh dear! I'm speechless. I never like narrow-minded people.

    I think, men like to boast because somehow they think that make them (look) cool or something like that. But not all of them act like that. The good ones, will keep it quite.

    And I really admire you, Tiara, with your attitude. Keep strong, Tiara. You're not just a model. You have that beauty, heart, and brain!

  • At November 10, 2005 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    About Mr. R, well, Tiara, i think you should be proud. Because he's not proud of himself. He's proud of Tiara Lestari. So, he used ur name. He's nothing WITHOUT Tiara Lestari. He's trying to be exist by using Tiara's name. He didn;t exist before that.. Poor you Mr. R

    There are different kind of models. 1st, the SUPERMODEL such as Cindy Crawford, Naomi,Kate Moss.. and bla bla bla.. who are performing in runways.
    2nd, is nude model. They only perform nude in pictures, such as Tiara, Jodi Ann Paterson, and other playmate. This kind of modelling is based on the art value of women body. AFAIK, they never perform sexual activites in their pictures. Try search in google with the keyword "nude model" --> if you are smart, you guys should notice this

    Sometimes i confuse.. why do people is taking care of other people's business? Some INDONESIAN MEN love sex, they use some women to fantasized, but then when Indonesia sent a representative to join the Miss Universe Peagent, they said that it's not appropriate with Indonesian moral, or religion, or culture. Total hipocrit! What about their own attitude? Stop messing with other people's business will ya? And go fix yourself 1st. If you have not sinned, you have the permission to judge other. But if u're sinned.. you are no better than other.

    Tiara, i'm sure you are fully aware of the risk. U go girl!


  • At November 10, 2005 9:39 AM, Blogger DD said…


    I've been alarmed by Tiara's email last night about some big shit goin' on here.

    So I went on and read Tiara's original posting, and my my my.. 51 comments?
    Kudos to Tiara for not deleting aggressive comments.

    Guys, you are going to hate me for this:

    After skimming through 51 comments, with some laughing along the way because of some high school kiddo's postings,

    I found out that there are 2 kinds of posters for this thread: Dumbasses and "Intellectuals".

    In a glimpse,
    Dumbasses are those who post mindless comments that we can only read with smile since we know that they are just some high school kiddos foolin' around in a digital playground called the internet. We can identify them from the profanity words they are using. And yes, "hypocrite Muslim woman" is one of 'em.

    Intellectuals, are people who USUALLY speak with manners, good english, adhere to the uniform or standard, facts, and some other bullshit that we can all Google up.

    Now let's broaden things up.

    Intellectuals can be dumbasses too!
    You know a high school kid is learning how to bitch in English. What would you do?
    A) Reply it with a long ass polite intellectual reply..and become another dumbass?

    or simply

    B) Ignore 'em since Tiara would delete 'em anyway given that she is not this forgiving ?

    Some Dumbasses can be intellectual.
    They know that Tiara are not deleting comments this time. They are teasing the intellectuals to be dumbasses. If religion is the case,... damn.. it's a huge CONVERSION right there. Kudos to intellectual dumbasses squad.


    Who's the real intellectual now?
    Of Course it's Smart Girl Tiara.

    Think about it. She can start yet another Jerry Springer Show... j/k.

    Anyone listen to Metal these days?

  • At November 10, 2005 10:26 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    Duan Damais and Sophmore...

    A resounding "Here, here!" in regards to your sober comments in a thread quickly losing its sanity. Sometimes we all need a slap in the face.

    Nylana, my comments were directed to the anonymous idiots that misuse the language to make derogatory comments not only towards our host, but directed personally towards me. What I had to say was not directed towards innocents such as yourself, please forgive me for not being more clear about whom I was speaking of.

    I'll close by repeating the final comment on my last post:

    "I guess the best thing to do is to ignore it instead of encouraging it with retortive comments."

    This particular "intellectual dumbass" has learned his lesson now. My apologies, it's been a long time since I've actively been involved in any one else's forum, and I'm glad those around me had the patience to remind me about a thing or two about the rules of blog interation along the way.

    Let's move on now.


  • At November 10, 2005 12:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    TQ...for the appraisal in your response on my email.....

    Many rich and powerful people in one way or the other showing off to their friends how good their network can be, sometimes they don't even care on how much harm would their maneuver cost to other people or how despicable it is. I am sorry to say that it is already a common practice nowadays. It is like someone tells you that they just shake hands with the president, met with the minister, mayor...it doesn't concern the slut or stud thing, I think.....it is more about how good their lobby are.

    I read once in a man's mags, on a network by a renowned pimp. Some of their business including making someone look like a celebrities just to sell them afterwards. With the technology of plastic surgeries, silicones or botox, that does not impossible. Most of the times it works, besides the buyers usually never meet the actress....so in their minds they may have slept with you.

    So Tiara....don't bother to poison your pure heart with such anger...simply say "Kasian deh lo ...." in your heart when meet with Mr. Publisher.

  • At November 10, 2005 3:46 PM, Blogger DD said…

    Guys and Gals,..

    I'd like to quote from the original thread, "For other men with money in their pocket. A little newsflash: Not all models are for "sale". I am not blind to what is going on in Jakarta. I know there are those "for sale" types crawling around pages of magazines in Jakarta. We are NOT ALL like that. I am not for sale. Don't even think of it."

    Out of my curiosity... So THERE ARE models for sale.

    I'd like to return this thread to Tiara for the asnswer. I guess everybody would like to know something of this aspect.

    In the meantime,.. out of all the high-school postings that we have so far and, of course, to bait the BLOGMASTER TIARA to come and check this thread more often,...

    ... I'd like to open a new poll:
    "Which one is the funniest mindless posting in this thread and why ?"

    The winning post may receive an unannounced COMPENSATION (Reward, hadiah, bonus) from the fearless Tiara herself for writing a lot of "Deep" Shit. After all, it's freedom of speech. Right, Tiara?

    Let me vote first. My vote goes to "loveholes" for jacking off with the help of Adult Magazines in contrary to the "nickname" of his choice. Yep. Get urself a hole, buddy.

  • At November 10, 2005 4:40 PM, Blogger agamoto said…

    Hard choice, but I'll have to cast my vote in favor of Chimichonga and his "Dark Filmy Aroma".

  • At November 10, 2005 5:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara e-mailed me about this debate, and wanted me to give my opinion, so here it is..First of all, regardless of whether you like her or not..she is still Tiara who we know has made an incredible career and become successful at what she does.forget about your rants and blah blah blah..she can careless about all of this and still become the best of yet she can be. To me personally, she is exceptional, her posing nude in Playboy and Penthouse speaks for itself...it is an outstanding achievement, I am an indo man living in US for years. here in US , women are proud to be in Playboy and many have become highly succesfull afterward,- Pam Anderson,Cindy Crawford,anna nicole smith to name a few... thousands of American girls are dying to be on Playboy...thousands have tried out and were rejected, so look at Tiara...it does not matter whether she is dark , or muslim, or whatever..SHE HAS MADE IT !!she has become a success !!and yet she can be anything !! one of the best supermodel the world ? time and effort will tell, in the mean time you losers who dislike her ..are still pumping your dick off in front of your pc because you cannot get a pussy..(LOL).Last but not least..who gives a rats ass about what she has or has not done..you have no point of judging her actions..you are not her parents!.So Tiara...move on and show us that you are the best that ever came out from Indonesia. I believe her look is beautifully sexy..her skin, her body are also beautiful...all beauty comes in size and color..

  • At November 10, 2005 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My vote goes to teh ubar zomgwtfbbq loveholes.

  • At November 10, 2005 6:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    She no hot at all...this girl is famous 'cause she posed naked. i'm american born indonesian and i saw you in NYC the other day. one last thing...NEVER NEVER NEVER TELL people how to write in english 'cause your english ain't straight either.....I'M sorry but that's the truth


  • At November 10, 2005 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    yud_wan said...
    Tiara e-mailed me about this debate, and wanted me to give my opinion, so here it is..First of all, regardless of whether you like her or not..she is still Tiara who we know has made an incredible career and become successful at what she does.forget about your rants and blah blah blah..she can careless about all of this and still become the best of yet she can be. To me personally, she is exceptional, her posing nude in Playboy and Penthouse speaks for itself...it is an outstanding achievement.....

    Whoa! a little uptight, are we? I find it odd when weblog diarists and (this is a growing trend) put disclaimer like "If you don't like my writing/thinking, you can just leave"! Well, if Tiara can't take criticism, why on earth is she putting material / link on the Internet? this is her property and she has plenty of rooms to voice her opinions? Why does she email her friends to say what's in their mind instead speaking her own's???? Isn't she the one who wrote ..."Keep the comments up. I am here. Challenged." If you can't handle the rumor like what Mr R spread to his friends, you will be shattered because you're extremely insecure about your profession. I know this is an emotionally charged matter for you and that you have to deal with a different kind of negative comments. But when you're that high up in your modelling career, the people shouldn't sugarcoat their comments to you anymore; after all, if you don't know you're not doing your best, how can you improve?

    What I mean to say is that there will always be pros and cons that people have about other people choices. But individual actions can often speak louder than a collective thought which is based primarily on making other people looking bad generally because they don't have that self confidence that is displayed by the person who stands up to the prosecutors.

  • At November 10, 2005 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    tiara not so hot and trent is big white boy loser who think he real smart in small asian land.

  • At November 10, 2005 10:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Tiara,

    I'm bored with all mellow and so called "affectionate" discussion topics in your blog....

    I never find any brain-ny topics that you brought up... I challenge you to put some thought provoking topic on how you manage your career and manage your blog..

    I bet there is a person behind you who help you to manage this blog... its very imposible for a person like you could manage this blog proffesionally..

    I know I'm being sarcastic, but I'd like to prove your brain capacity and show to your target market that you're capable and have brain....

    I challenge you to write your marketing strategy for managing this blog. And see how your fans response to it... If you're really good on it and you have the "inteligent" fans, your comments on this topic will be explode....

    I know, its an incredible growth for a blog could reach more than 30K hit within a month... and looking to this fact, please show me....

  • At November 10, 2005 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    to all you dumbasses out there who said people posting with anonymous is a coward. take your shit brain out and start thinking, who the fuck cares if they put their names down instead of anonymous..if i give you my full name including my SSN, so what ?, will you be able to find me ? what you gonna do ?

  • At November 10, 2005 10:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    democracy is good. this is america and i says more opinion. it no matter if you put name down or not, voice opinion is all thats matter. if you no like this, go home, america no want you.

  • At November 10, 2005 11:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This discussion is not getting anywhere. Let's get back on track, and post some pics of Tiara's pink bits for whacking material.

  • At November 10, 2005 11:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yes, the fans have spoken. please post more sexy pics

  • At November 10, 2005 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi you "regalia" dumb ass ... If Tiara or the person behind this blog really has a wonderful marketing strategy in managing Tiara's career and her blog, why should she/he share it with the world? So you can steal it and use it for your benefit?

  • At November 10, 2005 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi, it's me again (calmer now). I don't think this post is made to judge Tiara. When you read the post, Tiara didn't ask your opinion about her. But about the double standard and Mr. R's attitude (and some of men).

    Oh, in addition, usually, the one who boasts is the one who has nothing. I might be wrong, of course... .

  • At November 10, 2005 11:53 PM, Blogger agamoto said…

    By the sounds of it, our host may be freaking out and feeling a little overwhelmed by all this.

    It takes a thick-skin to do what you do for a living, thicker still to host a public, all access, forum on the side.

    I'd say your best course of action would be to ignore the nasty comments, continue to reply to the sane ones and keep on continuing to post new topics.

    Threads like this one will eventually bury themselves, but you'll have to come to grips with the fact that some people in this world, even if they can somehow manage to get past all the pretty pictures without touching themselves, will never be able to accept what you do, who you are and whatever your convictions or motives may be.

    Block them out, and move forward.

  • At November 11, 2005 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What Trent said ... I agree that some people throw the "verbal abuse" card way too much. Responding with personal attacks is unconscionable, and people that hide behind pseudonyms and contribute to longstanding personal attacks aren’t worth the air they’re consuming. I know from Trent's post he’s opinionated, but that is also why he is interesting. You don’t have to agree with everything he says, but you have to respect the fact that he’s passionate and articulate about the things he believes in.

  • At November 11, 2005 1:58 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    sorry to say..Mr. R's claim that he did sleep with Tiara was true... Mr. R did sleep with magazines that featured Tiara..twice...
    so i hope that clears up the confusion...

  • At November 11, 2005 2:34 AM, Blogger DD said…

    Hi All .. Boys and Girls,.. Guys and Gals..

    This is your friendly neighborhood Duan again.

    Quoting Trent:

    By the sounds of it, our host may be freaking out and feeling a little overwhelmed by all this.

    It takes a thick-skin to do what you do for a living, thicker still to host a public, all access, forum on the side.

    Hahahaha Trust me, Trent,.. Tara can never feel better, more well, and alive than this.

    I'm pretty sure that the way this discussion thread goes is according to her plan.

    She's smarter than she looks.

    And believe me,.. she's watching our posts behind the curtain.

    She's too smart. As I said before,.. She can start another Jerry Springer show.

    I would like to see her dancing in my concert. That'll be hot.

  • At November 11, 2005 5:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice journal
    scartch on my blog http://egotime.alegodesign.net

  • At November 11, 2005 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Pixel Punk

    Way to go that sums up the quality of the debate. This has been an amusing journey - but do we have to resort to crude language to make a point - a rapier is far more effective than a broadsword and more enjoyable to read also !!

    Am intriqued as to why Tiara felt the need to inform her friends to ride to her defence rather than contributing with her own thoughts on the matter.

    Language aside a provocative debate that certainly has drawn the lines between all parties reading this blog.

    As put perhaps we can now move on and it will be more interesting to see where the next road leads

  • At November 11, 2005 12:10 PM, Blogger TiaraLestari said…

    Hello Everyone!

    I’ve been here. Reading. Observing. Smiling.

    I am humbled by the intellectually stimulating opinions thrown in this forum. And yes, that feeling include those opinions critical of me and what I do. If “quality” is defined subjectively without a single line of objective parameter, then every single one of you have pointed me toward a direction that will do nothing but increase my depth as a human being. For that, I am grateful.

    Trent, sorry for taking most of the jabs from the “dumbasses”. I am glad you kept your heads up the whole time (with the help of Mr. Friendly Duan)

    Duan, Divi, Devil, Chalky, Raya, Soulful girl, Pete, Lucia, Mario, Yud_wan, Joan, Sontoloyo: I have never met any of you, but your comments here and your own independent voices have certainly enlightened me. Thanks!

    Melly and Nylana: Thank you. I will try to do better.

    Regalia: As your cousin would say.. goblog siah!

    By the way, I am also casting my vote for the “TIARA DUMBASS AWARD” created by Duan Dumais. My vote also goes for Mr.Loveholes for his ever changing and artsy… ehm.. I mean “arty” name changing in this forum 


    PS: Raya and Trent, I can’t decide between the two of you when it comes to your guess blog submissions. So I will post both your submissions the next few days. Congrats!

  • At November 11, 2005 12:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara and others,

    This is a fun blog!! I have no idea a single posting can stir up such passion. Wow!

    Look people, I am an Indonesian who is very proud of what Tiara have achieved. Her playboy appearance, her blog and now this tiara zone thing that she is launching. Whether she is doing this on her own or with help from others, I don't really give a shit. You are doing a hell of a job girl!

    Now for the my votes on the dumbass tiara award... Mr.Loveholes! Dude.. what is up with you and jacking off?(sorry guys) Have you try dating website? Or at least meet another person that actually breath.

    Trent, are you a writer of some sort?? I enjoy the way you write man.


  • At November 11, 2005 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara said: "This is a place where battle of ideas is nourished to a borderless “quality” as defined by Pirsig in his book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance."

    Man.. I am in love!

    Tiara I respect your decision for not deleting any of these anonymous losers comments. Only someone with a big enough guts and confidence can stand reading through those thrash and still come out like a million dollar the way you did with your last comments.

    You go girl!!

  • At November 11, 2005 12:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Mr Loveholes.. do you feel the pain? Loneliness on top of mount dumbness?

    I am voting for you too..

  • At November 11, 2005 1:58 PM, Blogger agamoto said…

    It's me, Trent.

    Disregard the blogger name for the time being, it's part of a fun little creative project I'm working on in my spare time.

    Tiara, W00T! I honestly didn't think my rambling diatribe had a snowball's chance in hell. Can't wait to see how it plays out with the motley gang of rowdies you've got here. Feel free to edit it as necessary.

    Indra, thanks for the kind comments on the elements of style. My background is in journalism and I used to be a TV news presenter back in Canada many moons ago which involved a great deal of writing. I'm no longer in that profession, but I still enjoy being able to communicate to an audience. Most people find my writing style to be somewhat pretentious and unnecessarily verbose, but it does indeed vary significantly across a broad spectrum depending on my particular mood of the moment.

  • At November 11, 2005 6:42 PM, Blogger Soulful said…

    Dear Tiara,

    I salute you (w/ a glass of high-class wine here...) for being a lady with a huge huge heart despite all those "dumbasses" comments here.

    Keep writing and I will keep reading :) Good luck!

  • At November 12, 2005 4:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


  • At November 12, 2005 7:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, this isn't you I knew. Very sure about this. Let's speak in our Javanese better than the English skill you pretend to have :)

    Koq, most your quests are Indonesians (or at least related). Katanya you're an international model, kenapa there's no comments from your volks in Spain having your nude picture published there? Atau mungkin dari negara2 lain? Koq semua Indo. ya?

  • At November 12, 2005 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oalah......... wong jowo to...
    mudik nya ke solo juga.... huhauhaeuhaeuha............

    nimbrung ah ben rame...

    double standar ? hey come on, you live because of it right ? to be a model specially a naked model is to fulfill a man right ?

    okey some can say about art, art of passion and sex ? enjoy it because there were double standard so you can live as a model as what u done right now, right ?
    is there a nude picture of you specially for woman ? nope right ? so you live your profesion right now form the double standar, and is bit different to them who tried their best in a corporate but can not promoted cause olny she is a woman.... ?

    Enjoy the dumb comment our men give you,... cause you live form it... About the truth about u or Mr. R.... thats way we have Allah, Tuhan, Gusti Allah...

    For me, despite all of it as an indonesian woman you will inspire more woman to realize their being...

  • At November 12, 2005 11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Just a friendly advice. Don't feed the trolls. We can hide poison in the food for Rats and Mice, but, we can't do that to the weblog Trolls. But, we can stop feeding them. If we don't feed they'll go back into hiding.

    To Tiara, please do not lower yourself by using foul language such as dumb@##! This certainly not a classy language and I hate to say Jerry Springer has never been in my favorite list.

    From my understanding manners and education are the signs of class. If we look more closely, then manners is simply the capacity and habit of thinking of others and acting graciously towards them.

    Nuff said ... let's move on!

  • At November 13, 2005 1:14 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    I thought I had posted this already... I'll try again.


    "is there a nude picture of you specially for woman? nope right?"

    Tipping my hat to the Jerry theme here, I'd like to state for the record that I'm a lesbian trapped in a man's body.

    I think I speak for all lesbian women out there in saying that Tiara's pics are a combination of the photographer's artistry and composition and the subject's talent and/or look. I assure you, appreciation of the naked female form, does have the ability to transcend gender.

    Honestly, you sound like the kind of Christian hooligan that would have joined in the chorus of yells and pounding fists demanding realist art be torn away from the European gallery walls in the 1800's.

    Time to come out of the puritan dark ages my friend... Welcome to the brand new age of digital renaissance and airbrushed enlightenment.

    Why not ask yourself this question...

    Is it the photographic portrayal of a female in her natural state of undress that plants the seed of eroticism within a man or is it man himself that translates that image into nourishment for a seedling that's been planted there since time immemorial?

    I will argue that it is fundamentally necessary for our survival as a species to have the particular sort of stimuli provided by gazing at and reacting to photographs of people like Tiara and her peers... And if that stimulus is not available, we'll instinctively purchase subscriptions to National Geographic to compensate for it.

    That reminds me, I need to renew my subscription.

    To paraphrase Gordon Gecko,

    "Lust, for lack of a better word, is good. Lust is right. Lust works. Lust clarifies, cuts through and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Lust, in all of it's forms, a lust for life, for money, for knowledge, have marked the ‘upward surge’ of mankind."

    Wow! Is that the time?

    See ya,


  • At November 13, 2005 2:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hallo Mbak Tiara... apa kabar?? Mbak nanya donk.. ada account friendster gak?? Klo gak ada, knp gak bikin account aja?? :D Ttg mr R, mendingan gak usah terlalu dipikirin.. what for coba??? yah syukur2 klo itu gak bener... only you know... hehehe... jujur saja saya pribadi suka melihat naked women... tapi melihat dr sudut seni...

  • At November 13, 2005 10:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Get a job, PINKY_TRENT. You've spent too much times here with the slutty.

    Binky said: Is it the photographic portrayal of a female in her natural state of undress that plants the seed of eroticism within a man or is it man himself that translates that image into nourishment for a seedling that's been planted there since time immemorial?


  • At November 13, 2005 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, I suppose, Mr.R has a little problem with his self-confidence. I mean, why does he say such a thing? He wants to act and look as a more "successful" man. Successful would mean, sleeping with many different nice girls, having much money and driving a big car.
    So, Tiara, don't take that personal, have mercy with that poor old chap :)

  • At November 13, 2005 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    less talk especially to trent crazy man and Tiara. you are no politician. so less talk and pictures.

  • At November 13, 2005 12:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    less talk especially to trent crazy man and Tiara. you are no politician. so less talk and more pictures.

  • At November 13, 2005 5:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Tiara, jumpa lagi ... oh ternyata kamu orang solo. Solo dari dulu terkenal dengan wanitanya yang lemah lembut, sampai ada lagunya kroncong Putri Solo, tapi sepertinya Tiara sudah tidak lagi seperti Putri Solo because Tiara is "Strong Girl" he he he ... Met Lebaran yah kalo merayakan Maaf Lahir Bathin (hsnugroho@yahoo.com)

  • At November 13, 2005 6:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At November 13, 2005 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i say in 2 year tiara will work for $400 usd/hr. so i wait.

  • At November 13, 2005 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    waduh... kok jadi dagangan gituh... hahaha....
    gajian gw berapa taun ya bisa ngorder yang model gituan... huhuhu

    for binky... no offence try;
    sex and power by Michael Foucalt...

    well if your really a lesbian why not tried like dorce... :P
    and tried to still like a woman,

    doing nude is not easy and i give my honour with it, and for the art i agree, then again the art is reveal cause the double standar for it...

  • At November 13, 2005 11:30 PM, Blogger wahyudi pratama said…

    ealahh wong jowo juga :p

    Tiara, gue mau nanya ama elo, apa yang anda ketahui selain polemik gender dalam tulisan ini tentang seni, ketelanjangan sebagai penyajian artistik dan polemik tentang itu?

    Ketelanjangan sah aja, dalam lingkup sosial (industri) yang mendukung, jujur aja gak semua yang civilized and modern cenderung setuju ama toleransi hal ini, even ini dianggap komoditas dan seni sekalipun. Kalopun diakomodir, itu dalam lingkup terbatas, (galeri, kalangan umur, majalah dewasa)

    lagian loe idup dalam dunia cecitraan industri, sejauh ini. Agak aneh teriak2 Stud, Slut dan Mr P. so mau apa menyalahkan penis brain? sementara segolongan masyarakat memang mengakomodir kepentingan itu.

    sejauh ini, polemik akan hal ini udah usang, obsolete.

  • At November 14, 2005 1:08 AM, Blogger TiaraLestari said…

    Hi everyone,

    I am afraid I have to break my own rules this time by deleting a comment from mr.anonymous. For those of you who did not have a chance to read it, your lucky. He was promoting "model for sale" in great details.

    First, this is an illegal activity and I will not endorse it in any shape or form. Period.

    Second, this is insulting to me and other women who are here as guests on my blog.

    There have been over 57.000 people visiting this blog. They can say anything they want freely, but not without limit. Mr.anonymous, you have crossed that line. THIS IS MY HOUSE and you're not gonna make it dirty. Because I have the power of the delete bottom, wich I will use again and again if I have to.


  • At November 14, 2005 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Tiara,

    I am a woman. I am a model. And I thank you for deleting that stupid comment. It was not only insulting to me as a woman, but also as a model.


  • At November 14, 2005 9:36 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At November 14, 2005 9:37 AM, Blogger My Daily Struggles said…

    Your blog certainly left me satisfied and smiling.

  • At November 14, 2005 9:38 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At November 14, 2005 9:39 AM, Blogger agamoto said…

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  • At November 14, 2005 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Kepada para komentator yang memberikan komentar negatif pada Tiara, saya ingin menanyakan, seandainya komentar negatif itu tanpa dasar bukti yang benar menimpa kalian, bagaimana perasaan kalian semua? Hargailah dan hormatilah hak pribadi seseorang untuk melakukan pekerjaan apapun. Sebaiknya mulai saat ini saya mohon hentikanlah komentar2 jorok tersebut.

  • At November 14, 2005 10:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    To the last Mr.Anonymous: Ditto! Tiara has shown so much grace by not deleting those stupid comments. I guess it is up to people like us to tell those losers to stop what they are doing and have some respect for our lovely host.

    You go Tiara!


  • At November 14, 2005 2:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice :)

  • At November 14, 2005 2:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    booo. censorship is so wrong. Tiara, you are the loser.

  • At November 14, 2005 3:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    power of the delete button, oh wow. i have power of flying nut juice

  • At November 14, 2005 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Tiara,

    I think it's time to bring closure to this posting and move on to the next posting.

    It has been a week since you publish a new posting


  • At November 14, 2005 7:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Somebody asked about purchasing the services of models in Jakarta, so I posted information that I found elsewhere on the net. It wasn't advertising. If models selling their ass, mouth or pussy (or just the first two in the case of good Muslim girls who want to stay "virgin" until married) for cash is so disturbing to you Tiara, then you've clearly chosen the wrong profession.

  • At November 14, 2005 10:01 PM, Blogger TiaraLestari said…

    Agreed Dianelly. Let us all move on to bigger and better things. Where the sky is blue and a frog is not a prince:)

    Please welcome my first ever guest blogger: Raya fahreza who will be talking about fiery red thongs. I will post this today.

    Congrats Raya!


    PS: Mr. name changing... "removed by author" means the person who wrote the comment deleted it. Not I. :)

  • At November 14, 2005 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Tiara, tiara, now you really don't deserved that name of Tiara.

    If you lied about the cencorship you made, and claimed that was done by the one who wrote the comment, how can other believe that you actually didn't sleep with Mr. R or any man for a contract? You're trully SLUT!

  • At November 14, 2005 11:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Speaking of the power of the delete BOTTOM, do you really meant BOTTOM instead of BUTTON?

    Thot you have a good English (you wish)?

    Now, go take your BOTTOM picture and posted on your next rubish.

  • At November 14, 2005 11:26 PM, Blogger DD said…

    Dude u have a lot of time.

  • At November 15, 2005 2:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yay! Thankyou Tiara!
    Hmm... Hopefully people won't take my silly babbling too seriously :)

    And I also invite you and all the good people here to visit my blog and meet me :)

  • At November 15, 2005 5:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ah kecewa ane...........
    i thought u different, but still u r an indonesian model, and the thought of a "side jobs" as a model is a discred job..... damn you... honour them as i try to honour you.... :D

    not every woman and not every model can do that kind of work, right? you as example..... :)

    other content about the deleting power.... dunno, but they always looked up for gandhi right ? although he never fight back for anything... then again u r not gandhi, just and ordinary model that doing nude.... :(

  • At November 23, 2005 7:32 PM, Blogger masliliks said…

    ahaha, pake basa indonesia aja ya komennya.. gud thinking, tapi masalahe memang sikap show off/nggaya di indonesia ini mang keterlaluan.
    kalo masalah teknologi yang buat kemaslahatan umat [cie..], slalu saja pengusaha/penguasa/whatever biasanya akan bilang 'nunggu yang udah ngebuktiin', ato ' yang ini aja cukup'. tapi kalo masalah nggaya, seperti ponsel, pesta seks, pesta shabu, whooo...bangga kalo jadi nomer 1, bangga kalo jadi paling sering nglakuin..
    dan mr R cuman salah satu orang ga penting yang merasa harus membual karena [mungkin] dalam percakapan itu menyentuh2 masalah model/artis bispak dlsb...

  • At November 24, 2005 10:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    hi. I'm new to your blog. Boy, do you have a lot to say!

    Love the pics though...for a blogger, I must say you just made an admirer/fan out of me!...

  • At December 10, 2005 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Tiara,

    I am right to say I have seen you in a singapore video having sex. I am almost certain it is you.

  • At December 14, 2005 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    loh...bukannya Di Ritz Carton Bobone ma sesorang lelaki terus.. Apa itu MR R..?,
    Merekalah yang tau..Nikmati aja,,udah pada gede kok..

  • At December 19, 2005 9:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi tiara

  • At November 03, 2007 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    well you are example of slut...i jerk off just looking your picture

  • At August 14, 2009 7:02 AM, Anonymous shiftey said…

    Hopefully that is true. Hate to think of some sleaze bag type using his power to "get some". Your too hot and popular to fall for that shit! Did u mess with him? lol I love you!

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  • At November 09, 2016 1:43 PM, Blogger get rich said…

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