Tiara Lestari's Personal Journal

My words, my feeling, my memories, my experiences. Mostly, this is me.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Crash and burn

I guess my body has a limit too. That is what I've learned...the hard way. Yesterday, after only sleeping for a couple of hours and getting ready to head back to Jakarta after a long photo shoot, suddenly I felt like my head was being crushed by a giant rock and my stomach turns inside out. It was so painful that I rushed to the hospital. I hate being in a hospital, so for me to run there myself, I assure you that the pain was not something I've felt before.

They kept me overnight with a verdict that sounds so damn Hollywood: exhaustion and dehydration! What the heck is that mean anyway?? I don't know but the doctors told me that I needed to -as he said- "drastically reduced my activities for the next two weeks". Actually he said three weeks and a total bed rest but I was not going to take that without fighting :) He finally caved in and said I don't have to be in bed but I have to promise to take it easy for a while.

I hate this. The exhibition in Bali this week was going to be a giant step for me. My management decided to postpone the exhibition with my strong protest. I was arguing so much even though I finally realized that they meant well. They were concern about my health and apparently.. so should I.

I don't listen to my body. Since the first of the year, I flew back and forth between Jakarta and Singapore both with schedules that can makes any overweight dude becomes skinny. Let alone me. Apparently, I am physically exhausted and my body gave a strong and painful warning on Sunday. So.. okay.. I'll listen.

I am disappointed though. I felt as a professional, one should never ever break commitments. Especially not something this major. I want to apologize to some of you who have made plans to see me in Bali. I promise you one thing.. I will rest.. rest... and be back better than ever.

This event has been planned by a lot of people, and I have disappointed all of them. Again, for that I am really sorry.

Now I have to go, cause if this posting becomes to long, lots of people will be calling me and telling me that I should be in bed sleeping instead of typing on the computer.

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