When destiny meets choice
Today the countdown stops dan selamat ya kamu-kamu yang nebak cepet banget bahwa 10 hari terakhir ini adalah countdown untuk hari ini :)
Let me take you back in time. Kamu ingat posting pertama saya di blog ini tanggal 27 September 2005? Di posting pertama saya itu, saya bilang bahwa, "... being a model, for me is a temporary thing. I ultimately want to be a mother. I want the simple things like having a family and kids... lots of them."
Terus saya berlanjut disitu, "In life, sometimes you have to make a choice. I do not believe it is possible for me to be an international model and be a good mother at the same time....I will take this modeling career as far as it can get me, before I say 'I do' to man I love. When that day comes.. I will be the most loving wife any man can have. By choice... modeling will ceased being a priority in my life."
Well guys, one year ago today -April 1st 2006- I have made my choice and I said "I do" to man that is now my husband. I have found him. The one I can love and hate at the same time. The one that can make me laugh and cry with the same breath. The one that is going to be the father of my children. Most of all, I have found the man that is my imam. In short, I have found my destiny.
His name is Andy.
I have come full circle. Ironis kalau dipikir. Saya pergi ke tempat jauh, untuk mencari existensi lewat suatu karir, tapi saya malah dapat semua setelah saya meninggalkan karir itu. Existensi yang saya cari itu ternyata ada disini dan bukan di karir, tapi di hidup. Proses. Proses hidup.
I have traveled the world and seeing it with a pair of hungry eyes. But I could not FEEL the world until I closed my eyes. I found the answer when I was actually not looking. Ini emang proses. Proses hidup saya.
Nah temen-temen blogger, semua proses ini saya curahkan dalam suatu karya tulis berjudul Tiara Lestari: Uncut Stories. Saya kerja bareng dengan penulis yang bernama Windy. She is not just nice, but also very good in transforming my blog, thoughts and my writing into a book with a different style.
Hari ini, bersamaan dengan aniversary perkawinan saya yang setahun, saya akan meluncurkan buku ini. Kamu-kamu yang tinggal di Jakarta, saya mau undang kamu untuk datang di Brake Cafe, Citos, jam 3 sore, hari ini (Minggu, 1 April 2007).
This world is full of surprises. Termasuk keputusan saya untuk menikah setahun yang lalu. Dalam proses menulis buku ini, Windy tanya ke Andy apa sih arti menikah. Andy answered, "Marriage is when destiny meets choice."
When destiny meets choice. I could not agree more.