Modeling has brought me both joy and pain. It has introduced me to people and places around the globe that at the moment I felt I was still just day dreaming. Modeling also has taken me away.. far far away from the home that I love. I may be living in
Singapore, but my home is –
and always be-
I miss my home, but mostly, I miss my family.
As a girl from a small town in Solo ,Indonesia, I think I am doing more than just okay in my career as a model. Well, not so in my own country. Over there, I am just a flash of names from headlines of yesterday. I am known more as a controversy rather than a model.
That will change on March 12, 2006 in the island of Bali. On that day, I will launch my career in Indonesia with a project so exciting, rewarding yet accompanied by so many potential negative consequences for me. At Grand Mirage hotel located in Benoa, Bali, 20 minutes from the Airport, I will be having -what my manager called - the most daring one model photo exhibition in Indonesian modeling industry entitled “from SENSUAL to ELEGANCE.”
This is not your grandmother’s photo exhibition. First, it will begin at 7pm and ends when the sun comes up. Second, there will be music, cool lounge by the beach and –certainly- the sound of Bali waves accompanying my pictures. It will be soo cool!
But you’re nuts if you think I am not nervous about this event. This is after all, my first time to launch something of this magnitude in Indonesia. Second, I honestly do not know how my countrymen would take me. Will they accept me as a model who is trying to be a better person? Or will they reject me as the queen of immorality trying to come back to country she doesn’t belong?

I don’t know. I do know two things. One, I am going to do it and with the grace of the Almighty, I will be just fine. Two, I want you there. I want you all there with me. So, would you come, please? I will certainly be there…
PS: My management beg me to write the following; Those of you individuals or companies who want to sponsor this event, you still can. Click here.