Tiara Lestari's Personal Journal

My words, my feeling, my memories, my experiences. Mostly, this is me.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Weekend... yipee!!

It sure has been a long week for me. Preparing for the acting final exam took alot out of me. For those who want to know, I did okay last night :) I think I could do better although some people said I did well. I dunno.. all I know that it was a blast!! It was so much fun being someone else on stage like that.. having an emotional rollercoster of a year crammed into a 20 minute performance. It was a rush.

What should I do today? Hmm.. I am being really lazy. I guess this wil be my boring post. Guys, I am going to my sofa to watch DVD. Do enjoy your weekend..


THANK YOU 2776 times!

I published this blog three days ago and all I know is that in the first 12 hour, I had 24 visitors to this blog. A rate of two an hour. Honestly, I was happy enough even though I am sure the 24 people included my friends and family :) I wanted a medium where I can voice my opinion and share my feelings.. I have it. Even with 24 people reading them

As I am writing this post, there have been 2776 visitors on this blog! I have no idea where you guys come from.. but from the bottom of my heart, I thank you for being here, reading and commenting. I can't wait to see you guys back.

For as long as you guys are here, I will keep writing. I am here to stay. You don't have to like what I say, but I hope my voice will add something to your life, even if it's just 2 minutes of your life. One thought, one idea at a time.

This post is also a place for me to name a few people who have been supporting me even before this blog came to fruition: Marco (thanks for being convinced), Robin, Dr. Lee (Still doubting?:), Iyo, Boobie, Egi and sexy Mba Ira (and your entire family really!).

Thank you for being first commentators on my blog: Michael Chua(Love that baby!) , O Micróbio, #1 fan , Solo en la oscuridad, Fujie, Fr34Kysp4wn, Artnet (Will let you know soon!)

Duan, Guntur and Devil..you three will always be the first three fan emails I received. I don't like the word "fan". I prefer Friends. Is that ok with you?

Again, 2776 THANK YOUS from me to you and yours..


Acting class and final exam... yikes!

In between my travels, I managed to enroll in an acting class. I have no previous experience in acting whatsoever. I just wanted to see if I can do it. I must say that it's been so much fun learning about this art. My teacher is one of the reasons that makes this experience truly enjoyable. First and foremost, he let me missed more than a few classes due to conflicting schedule. Second, he is good. I mean really good. A graduate of School of Dramatic Arts in Pasadena, California and spending 15 years refining his art there.. he is no joke.

Tomorrow is "final exam" where all the students perform a scene from a specific play we've been practicing for months. I am a nervous wreck!! I am playing a scene from a play called Key Exchange written by Kevin Wade. It is a scene where a couple argues over their commitment and relationship based on exchanging apartment keys with each other.

There is a kissing part in this scene. My partner is not bad looking so it helps to get into the whole kissing part. What is funny though is the fact that he is so uncomfortable doing the kissing part when my boyfriend is watching us practice. There was a time when my boyfriend actually joked with him that he should kiss me with love, and not lust.

Anyway, I think I'm ready... I think.. maybe.. Oh well.. wish me luck


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Boys.. this is really me

Sometimes I forget this whole internet thing can give anyone an ability to "hide behind the screen". You can pretend that you are someone else and have a different E-life. The irony for me is totally reverse apparently. Guys.. this is really me. I have received so many emails asking "Am I really Tiara?" It is both funny and entertaining to see these questions. But what am I to do? I can's really jump out from your screen...

I started writing this blog mainly to let people who have seen my body (in magazines), that I am more than that. I have a mind. I have a voice. That's it.


A man can capture my heart...

If he is funny.. he is caring.. he is confident... he is smart. Yes, he needs to be all that. Most important to me is trust. I have to be able to trust him and vice versa. Relationship is hard enough. Even with trust fully intact. Look.. I live in a world where beauty is more important than brain and physical perfection is demanded at every front, even when it is heartless. I need a man that can see through all that and knows that it is just a job. A profession. I can never be with someone who is insecure and not sure of himself. I need a man who, first and foremost, is full of trust and knows who he is in this world.

Have you ever been so in love that it hurts so bad? I mean you are physically in pain for wanting someone so bad. I mean, what is it like to be so in love with someone that you forget about the world around you?

I am in a relationship now. It started so suddenly that neither him nor I could comprehend what was happening to us. He knows, accepts, even supports what I do. Relationship is hard and we have to work on it. Everyday. I love him with all his flaws. At times, it is not enough.

Capturing my heart is not about a five minute love song we hear on the radio. It is about trust, passion and -in the end- honesty...


This is me.  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My thoughts on modeling and being a model...

I love being a model. Places I have seen, people I have met, culture I have discovered are all possible because of my being a model. I am thankful.

That being said, being a model, for me is a temporary thing. I ultimately want to be a mother. I want the simple things like having a family and kids... lots of them.

In life, sometimes you have to make a choice. I do not believe it is possible for me to be an international model and be a good mother at the same time. Do you guys see Cindy Crawford around lately? She is being very happy with her family now. I want what she has. Being married, having a family is more important to me than being a famous model. It's a choice.

Make no mistake about it, I will take this modeling career as far as it can get me, before I say "I do" to man I love. When that day comes.. I will be the most loving wife any man can have. By choice. And I will be the best mother to my children. I want them to be proud of me. And I think they will.

If there is opportunity after I am married, I certainly will take advantage of that. But modeling will ceased being a priority in my life.

For you who want to start a modeling career anywhere in the world. Have fun. Enjoy. Go after your dream. Remember, this is a profession and one must treat it as such. It is not always glamorous, but if you enjoy what you do, who cares? Integrity is very important in this business. Many "smiles and promises" will be given to you, but not all of them are honest. Worst of all, many of the "smiles" may actually be so fake and will only take you to places you will never ever want to touch with a ten foot pole. Be careful.

I am sharing this for those who aspire to become...

Simply, I love being a model. It is a choice. For now.

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