Want to be my guest blogger?

Hi Bloggers and readers....
I am on my way home to Indonesia for Idul Fitri holiday. I honestly do not know how much time I have writing and posting for this blog. So I have this crazy idea of challenging all you bloggers out there to write for me. Yes, be my guest blogger!
Since I published this blog on September 27th, I found many bloggers who have written about me (Yes, this includes you indcoup:). I feel like I know you a personally since I have visited your blogs so many times. Hence the idea of inviting you to be my guest blogger. Now this challenge does not have to exclude those who do not have a blog. If you like to write, but do not blog, you can send me an email with your writing as well!
So here's the scoop. Write. About anything. Email them to me (Tiaralestar@yahoo.com) and I will post the one I like on my blog!
What do you get? Well I certainly can't pay you.. ha ha ha. But I can offer you this: I am offering me, myself and I, to be your guest blogger for a day! I am here assuming you have your own blog and you actually want me to write on your blog :)
I will be back in Singapore one week from Idul Fitri. I will read all your writing and post my favorite asap. Ok?
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri
1 Syawal 1426 H
Taqabbalallahu Minna Waminkum
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin Atas Segala Kekhilafan
Semoga amal ibadah kita di bulan Ramadhan ini diterima Allah SWT dan kita selalu berada dalam lindungan-Nya. Amien.